14 Easy Ways to Read More Books
Whether you already read daily or not, reading more books can be easy with the right techniques at the right time. Not every option works for every person every time, so it's important to try out different things from time to time. This is particularly helpful if you have trouble meeting your reading goals. Readers can't get enough reading time whereas many others say they want to read, but they fail to find the time in their busy schedules to take in much more than a flood of email. The fact of Continue Reading
36 Things You Can Achieve In Under Two Minutes
Do you ever feel like there's not enough time in the day? Like you just can't get everything done, or like procrastination holds you back from accomplishing your goals? I know I do, and it's amazing how many daily tasks I allow to slip through my fingers. No amount of to-do lists can keep me on track, so all the healthy habits I'd like to have in my life don't always stick. Time management skills are pivotal to staying on track, but what does the concept really mean? According to the Oxford Dictionary, Continue Reading
15 Tips You Need To Declutter Your Home
Mess causes stress, and studies show that cleaning alone reduces stress levels. A clean home can even improve eating and exercise habits while boosting your happiness. In a study published by the University of California, a messy home was proven to interfere with the body's de-stress hormone, cortisol's, levels simply because the thought of cleaning up stresses people out even if they don't plant to actually clean up. In an effort to live happier and healthier, I decided that since much of my Continue Reading
5 Reasons Fall is the Ultimate Creative Season
That's right, fall is officially here! Bring out the pumpkin spiced everything, loads of cozy sweaters, globs of hot beverages, and my personal favorite, a freshly bound notebook to let those creative juices flow! Not only is fall my favorite season, it's the best time of the year to pick up a creative project. If there were a most creative and inspiring time of the year, fall would be it. In fact, research proves that nature inspires creativity (which is another reason fall is the ultimate Continue Reading
How do you know you need a new morning routine?
Mornings are your most productive time of the day. Your willpower is the strongest, your cognitive abilities are at their peak, and your daily mindset is molded. There's so much at stake. Research has proven just how important mornings are to our well-being, and how we choose to spend our mornings, our routines, directly relate to our ability to remain motivated and healthy. And one of the best parts of a morning routine, a habit, is that they allow you to complete the tasks you want and Continue Reading