Thank you for your interest in advertising on BeWrit.
Our website shares resources and information to help writers make money online, market their work, find an engaged audience, increase productivity, stay motivated, and live a happier lifestyle.
We accept sponsored posts, brand ambassador partnerships, and writing-related ads. Because we limit ads to services or products that actually help writers, you won’t find any get-rich-quick schemes. BeWrit may feature your service or product through online or newsletter exposure. Our current newsletter open rates are among the top in the writing world, with an average between 20 and 28%.
Please use the contact form below to inquire about our media kit and other opportunities.
General Ad Guidelines
Our guidelines are relatively flexible. If you have a product or service that writers want to know about, we want to work with you.
- Must relate to writing
- 10-15 lines of copy
- A JPG graphic or photo (no PDFs, please)
- Submit your payment via PayPal
- Email Brit or use the contact form to submit your ad
We also approve ads for self-published books, nonfiction book announcements, editing services, speaking engagements, writing contests, calls for submissions, products and tools for online writers, and anything else writing-related (courses, newsletters, websites, retreats, calls for submissions, etc.).
Ad Types & Payment
We offer 5 main ways to advertise in our monthly newsletter or blog.
30-Day Blog Ads
- $50 per ad
- $100 – Buy 2, Get 1 Free
Run an ad on the BeWrit blog for a period of 30-days. You can also use the promo to run your ad for 90 days, either split or consecutively. Dimensions should be 250×250.
Submit your payment via PayPal. Once payment is made, email the ad copy and logo or photo to Brit at hainesbrit@gmail.com.
Regular Newsletter Ads
- $50 per ad
- $100 – Buy 2, Get 1 Free
The BeWrit newsletter is produced monthly, on the second Tuesday. You can submit a logo, photo, or other graphic with each ad. Dimensions range from 250×250 to 50×500 in length. Get a free ad for every two you buy.
Submit your payment via PayPal. Once payment is made, email the ad copy and logo or photo to Brit at hainesbrit@gmail.com.
Solo Ads
- $350 per ad
- $700 – Buy 2, Get 1 Free
Only one solo ad runs per month (in each monthly newsletter). With a solo ad, you’re the only thing we advertise in the issue. This means you have no other competition on the page. The ad must relate to the writing world. Brit reserves the right to reject any subject matter that isn’t the right fit for our audience.
Submit your payment via PayPal. Once payment is made, email the ad copy and logo or photo to Brit at hainesbrit@gmail.com.
Top Sponsor Ads
- $100 per ad
- $200 – Buy 2, Get 1 Free
Our most popular option, the BeWrit newsletter features top sponsor ads at $100 per issue or one ad per month. The ad appears near the top of the issue, so you know it’s located where readers are most likely to see it. Purchase a few months upfront for a free ad. If you buy more than one, your copy doesn’t have to appear in sequence. Check with Brit for open dates.
Submit your payment via PayPal. Once payment is made, email the ad copy and logo or photo to Brit at hainesbrit@gmail.com.
Super Sponsor Ads
- $75 per ad
- $150 – Buy 2, Get 1 Free
Our second most popular ad, a Super Sponsor Ad appears after the Top Sponsor Ad in the monthly newsletter. You can space the dates to every other month if you purchase more than one ad. Email Brit for open dates. The same guidelines apply as above.
Submit your payment via PayPal. Once payment is made, email the ad copy and logo or photo to Brit at hainesbrit@gmail.com.
To contact Brit about the media kit or other advertising opportunities on BeWrit.com, fill out the form below.