5 Reasons Fall is the Ultimate Creative Season
That's right, fall is officially here! Bring out the pumpkin spiced everything, loads of cozy sweaters, globs of hot beverages, and my personal favorite, a freshly bound notebook to let those creative juices flow!
Not only is fall my favorite season, it's the best time of the year to pick up a creative project. If there were a most creative and inspiring time of the year, fall would be it.
In fact, research proves that nature inspires creativity (which is another reason fall is the ultimate creative season). With so many beautiful sights in nature during the fall season, inspiration is literally in the air.
Here are 5 reasons fall is the ultimate creative season:
1. Autumn hues spread along motivation.
From burnt golden to candy apple red, the environment transforms in the fall. Sights seem new, brighter. Trees shed colors by the day, each hue making you more creative by the minute.
Research has proven that our neural pathways, which are influenced by our everyday surroundings, can spark creative thinking and problem-solving skills when we venture into new territory from time to time. This is why some people enjoy finding new hiking trails or traveling to unseen destinations, yet you can achieve the same inspirational benefits from a beautiful burst of autumn trees simply by looking through your window.
2. Hot beverages and baked goods.
Whether coffee, hot chocolate, apple cider, or tea -- whether pies, pastries, or cakes are your thing, fall is stuffed full of the best eats for your taste buds. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and the time to eat is now!
Pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider aside, researchers at the University of Illinois say ambient noise, like that patter of raindrops or simple coffeehouse chatter, boosts creative thinking. As if you need another reason to head to your favorite local coffee shop during the fall!
3. NaNoWriMo will keep you on track.
Pens at the ready! November's National Novel Writing Month is right around the corner and writers everywhere will soon be tracking their daily word count on social media, a piece of the accountability puzzle that comes with participation.
While not every writer succeeds in completing their novels, all the pep talks, support, and progress reports certainly help participants learn to stay on track with their writing goals. And what better motivation could you ask for?
4. That smell in the air.

Deep breath aside, the smell of fall is enough to boost all your senses. Burning leaves and campfires, baked apples with a touch of cinnamon, flannel musk and a touch of cedar, the list goes on.
If research can prove that simply looking at nature through a window soothes us and reduces anxiety, shouldn't that amazing earthy smell inspire instant creativity? There's been talk that certain fall scents, like cinnamon or vanilla, may help increase creativity.
5. Cozy indoors and out.
Fall air becomes crisp and cool, and sweater weather is on! On the days that a slight drizzle sends chills up your spine, cuddle up with a cozy, oversized sweater or a fuzzy blanket and a great book. Or if outdoors are more your thing, enjoy a hike without the tiniest effort leaving you drenched in sweat after the first two minutes.
Either way, the fantastic weather calls for coziness all around, and comfy clothing breeds creativity.
So what creative project will you start this fall? Are you thinking of participating in NaNoWriMo? I think it might be just what I need to finish all the novels I have lumped into my head. Then again, I love the fall so much that I often become distracted trying to drag out the season. Anyone else? Share your thoughts on all things fall in the comments.