14 Easy Ways to Read More Books
Whether you already read daily or not, reading more books can be easy with the right techniques at the right time. Not every option works for every person every time, so it's important to try out different things from time to time. This is particularly helpful if you have trouble meeting your reading goals.
Readers can't get enough reading time whereas many others say they want to read, but they fail to find the time in their busy schedules to take in much more than a flood of email.
The fact of the matter is that you can read more if you find a technique that works right for you. We are all different, and we're all different at different times throughout our lives. It makes sense that our habits may change slightly as life does.
Do you watch five hours of TV per day or sit on the subway for your 25-minute commute to and from work? Do you know what you'd like to read next or note your favorite quotes from the title you've read?
You can try reading the first page of a new title immediately upon finishing another to motivate yourself to keep reading, or you can try these 14 ways to read more.
1. Carry books wherever you go.

Whether you choose paperback, hardcover, audio, or eBooks, you can read on the go during downtimes if you have a story on hand. You'll be amazed by the amount of time you can spend reading when you only take in 1 or 2 minutes here and there throughout the day.
2. Keep a TBR list and check off the titles you've completed as you go.

The sense of accomplishment is a nice morale boost. Plus, you wouldn't want to forget which books you need to find next.
3. Set a reading goal.

I try to read at least one book per week, for example. I don't reward myself for keeping this goal, but I do feel guilty if I don't read enough in a week. That means I finish at least 52 books in a year, which is a number I'd like to grow even though it's a great start. Tracking this goal helps me make sure I keep up.
4. Read multiple books at once.

Now you don't have to try to pick just one! Devouring more than one book at a time can actually help you finish faster, among other reasons why you should read more than one book at a time.
5. Try an audiobook.

Listen while you shop, clean, or commute to and from work. With apps like Audible and iBooks, it's easier than ever to read on the go. If you find you have trouble driving and paying attention to the road, however, try a book that requires less imagination and brainpower on your part.
6. Don't feel obligated to complete a book you don't enjoy.

Life is too short and there are too many great books out there to waste time on a book you don't like. You'll only read slower, which could really hinder your reading goals if you only read one book at a time.
7. Buy cheap.

Amazon always has amazing deals on my favorite titles, but I prefer to shop local. At Half Price Books, you can trade in the books you no longer want in your collection. I love stores that accept trade-ins because they help me keep my personal library updated.
8. Set aside daily reading time.

Whether you read in the morning, before bedtime, or both - habits will help you read a little each day. Link your reading to breakfast to save time and read every morning, for instance.
9. Read while you wait.

How much time do you spend staring at nothing? At the DMV or in line at the post office, reading during mindless downtime will help you utilize otherwise worthless time.
10. Replace an hour of TV with a book.

Use of form of entertainment to replace another. Did you know the average American spends 5 hours per day glued to the TV? If this is you, you could easily spend 2.5 hours reading and the other half watching your favorite shows.
11. Move to a quiet reading area.

Reading nooks were created for a reason, and this point seems even more important in the age of tech. If you have difficulty finding a quiet space you can head to read around your home or neighborhood, your local library probably has some comfy areas for this purpose.
12. Read while you travel.

What else do you have to do? If you're not driving yourself, use the time to your advantage. Heading on a long weekend trip to visit the in-laws? Read in the car. Relaxing on the beach for a week? Take two books at least.
13. Join a book club.

Some people really enjoy the accountability that comes with being a part of a book group, particularly if you have trouble motivating yourself to read. Others simply enjoy the company and discussion while reading.
14. Take notes.

Note-taking is known to help you commit what you read to memory, but the practice can also help you read more too. Follow what you're naturally interested in and watch how easily you fly through the pages of research you take in.
Speaking of books, what are your favorite titles? Let me know in the comments below. And check out my list of book recommendations via the Library page.