What No One Tells You: 5 Legit Reasons You Need an Editor
Self-publishing encompasses more authors than ever. Over a million books were self-published in 2017 alone, and the trend isn't slowing down anytime soon. But many readers complain self-published material doesn't hold up to their standards.
Unfortunately, self-published books don't always look so hot. Many self-publishers don't take the time to have their manuscript professionally edited before the story winds up in the hands of readers.
In this article, I'll show you why skipping the editing process is a HUGE mistake. Editors do much more for your manuscript before publication than fix typos. Here's what no one tells you about why you genuinely need an editor, in 5 legit reasons.
1. They're More Than a Typo Fixer

When you think of an editor, you probably envision someone who can improve grammar and make your manuscript error-free in time for production. Like many occupations, there is much more that goes into editing a self-published story beyond finding typos.
With technology today, any basic text editor like Grammarly can help spot small mistakes. You may think technology can replace small jobs like proofreading a final copy. However, a professional editor can fix much more than typos. They polish the story. And the story is the most crucial part.
The story is what keeps your readers coming back for more. You can polish the writing style and grammar all you want, but without a compelling story, you've got nothing. No amount of combing through the sentences can fix a terrible story.
Editors explore techniques to improve the overall writing of the manuscript, whether your book is fiction or nonfiction. They comment on the character or plot, and they have the trained eye for spotting things like added spaces between words. The little things like this make all the difference.
2. They Spot All Types of Mistakes

Sure, editors don't just fix typos. They spot every mistake. Editors have an eye for detail that allows them to notice small flaws no one else sees. New self-published authors are known to make a few mistakes, but everyone has off days.
No matter how good of a writer you are, unedited books don't look professional. Professional publishing methods help, and your editor knows what to do.
You need an editor because everyone makes mistakes. Science shoes the brain fills in details that you, the author, thinks make perfect since but an unknowing first-time reader may not understand the connection. You may miss small things, whereas editors know which tiny flaws show up in manuscripts the most (like passive voice or repetitive word choice) and exactly how to fix each.
3. They Tell You How They See It

Editors go beyond correcting grammar by offering their educated and professional opinion. They know what features of your story truly matter, and they tend to read a lot, so they know what the industry demands, what people enjoy to read, and what titles sell. It's their job.
Expect your manuscript to come back with thoughtful comments and suggestions you may not have considered. Advice isn't always easy to receive, especially if you've put your whole heart and soul into a story. Editors know hearing the title you've worked on for over two years doesn't work or that their main character isn't interesting. But they tell it how they see it to make your manuscript better, not to hurt your feelings.
What you receive back could be so marked up you don't recognize the writing. The truth hurts, but in some cases, you have to tear down the rubble to build something new and improved.
4. They Form Special Bonds with Writers

Collaboration, like glue, forms strong bonds. Because writers and editors open up to each other so much through their work relationship, you may begin to connect with your editor on a whole new level.
Most editors care just as much about your story as you do, and they dedicate their working life to see the title succeed. You can trust your editor to become a reliable, trustworthy confidant.
Another way editors are more than a typo spotter is that they, over time, become your writing coach. They're another helpful pair of eyes ready and willing to make your book shine. These professional story weavers may become your best writing mentor too. Editors may push you to complete another chapter, tell you when your performance is down, and cheer you on when you need encouragement.
5. They Can Help Your Book Get Noticed

Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash
Traditional publishing is changing. It's harder than ever to break into the business with the next best story, which is why many authors turn to self-publishing. There are pros and cons to both traditional vs. self-publishing, like how publishing houses have a team who polishes the text and creates a stunning book cover design. Going it alone means you must find your team. Once you find the editor for you, however, no worries.
One of the most significant differences in self-publishing is that you must get your book in front of readers yourself. Don't expect to make a living on book sales, but an editor can help your book gain more recognition. Hopefully, people like your book and this translates to sales.
Self-publishing places you directly in front of the people who are most interested in your story. The readers can locate your work quickly, primarily if you use Amazon KDP or Sellfly. The process is faster and easier than ever.
If You Want to Sell, Find an Editor

You shouldn't skimp on the editing process if you want to stand apart from the thousands of crappy eBooks who never go through editing before publication. Many people, myself included, will stop reading after spotting too many errors.
If you want to produce your best work, a top story to rank well among the best authors of our day, you need an editor. Most self-publishers don't strike gold, but you have more say and possibilities when you own the full rights to your creation. Editors help you get there, as these ten legit reasons you need an editor shows.