35 Best Author Quotes of All Time
Need some writing inspiration asap? Here are 35 of the best quotes of all time from some of the greatest authors.
How to Store Inspiration for a Rainy Day
Rainy days can suck. Don't wait for a good idea to come to you. Create your own constant flowing well of motivation to fuel your writing and other creative endeavors. Here's how to store inspiration for a rainy day.
9 Easy Morning Routine Ideas for Writers
Creatives love to wait for inspiration to strike. The problem is that no one knows when it will happen. With these morning routine ideas, writers determine their ultimate morning and boost productivity.
5 Ways to Calm Nerves Before a Work Meeting
You have an important work meeting coming up — whether for your next book deal, an interview for your dream job, or a presentation for your passion project — and you're nervous.
3 Sexy Bedroom Hacks Every Creative Couple Needs
Get your head out of the gutter! Creative is the new sexy, and one of the easiest ways to live a happier existence is to ensure your home is a reflection of your needs, hopes, and dreams. You want your home to be a reflection of you, a place where you not only feel utterly comfortable but like you're also untouchable. Your bedroom, as an extension of your home, needs to offer relaxation as well. Your Bedroom Needs to Make You Feel Some creative people see their room as a getaway from the real Continue Reading