Author Resources to Write Your Book Faster & Easier
Do you need help writing a book? We have the best author resources.
Through step-by-step guides and printable worksheets, we can help you tackle your first book.
Not new to book writing? No problem! Use our resources to write your book faster and easier than ever before.
My FREE resource library is available to subscribers. Get exclusive 24/7 access to all the author resources you need, including:
- Write a Book in 9 Steps: A Guide for Beginners
- How to Create a Book Outline: 5 Steps to Start Your Book
- Novel Writing Prep: Research Your Book Idea
- How to Choose a Working Title for Your Manuscript
- Crafting the Perfect First Sentence
- How to Write Believable Dialogue
- Character Development
- Understanding Copyright Permissions: Using Other Works in Your Manuscript
- Close Your Book with a Bang: How to Write Endings
- Do I Need an Agent?
- How to Format Your Manuscript
When you sign up, you also receive tips for better writing delivered straight to your inbox each month.
What are you waiting for? Sign up for access to my ever-growing library of author resources now.